Research Papers Lead to Help for Dog Owners

Research Papers Lead to Help for Dog Owners

On Nov 27, 2018, we received a desperate sounding email from someone who was reaching out to PetMassage for advice. He found us while doing a web search on an issue he and his service dog are dealing with. The issue he was researching was a Research Paper topic assigned to a student during their Foundation Level Workshop.

Many of the Research Papers written by PetMassage students are published on our website. I am thrilled that this person found them because they are there for this reason: they are a free resource for people wanting to know more about specific aspects of the dog’s body. Here’s the link:

Anal Sphincter Muscles

This is what he wrote after reading the following post (Canine) Anal Sphincter Muscles /. on our website research page.

“I had surgery on my dog due to a hernia and a sphincter tear… now I have an inconctinence problem with fecal discharge for 31 consecutive days, did the surgery fail, the dog was only constipated prior to surgery, now he leaks daily ! And I’m handicapped and cannot handle the situation like I’d like…

It IS AFFECTING BOTH HEALTHS NOW & who can I talk to for help

If taken advantage by doctors who left me destitute thinking my service dog may die instantly without emergency surgery even though the condition lasted for a year without the dog showing discomfort at all …. only constipation before the surgery was suggested.. please respond with help on who to contact for the situation I’m in by the money hungry butcher doctors that want only money and care less about the dogs quality of life”

My Response

Hello —-,

Thank you for reaching out to us. From the perspective of massage, the sphincters are replicated throughout the body. So that when you massage one, you are also stimulating the rest. This may sound strange; and yet, you will help your dog by thoroughly massaging these 3 areas: his wrists, gums and thoracic outlet.

  1. On the wrists, include the webbing on the dewclaw.
  2. On the gums, massage as far back into the cheeks as he will allow. After a couple of sessions he will understand what you are doing and stop resisting.
  3. The thoracic outlet is the tiny space at the base of the neck on the upper edge of the first rib.

Massage all of these a couple of times every day. You both ought to feel some relief in a week or two.

Please let me know if this helps you and your dog.

Warmest regards,

Warmest regards,
Jonathan Rudinger
PetMassage Training and Research Institute

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