Aquatic PetMassage and Dry PetMassage for Dogs

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Private Sessions: Dry and Aquatic PetMassage for Dogs

PetMassage for dogs, aquatic and dry, are both offered at PetMassage. Dry outside the pool, Aquatic, in the heated hydrotherapy pool.

Dry PetMassage for Dogs

The reasons your dog will benefit with PetMassage are the same as for people. Physical and emotional stress reduction, alleviating stiffness, discomfort, poor circulation, and rehabbing after injury or surgery. Dogs, like us, thrive with attention and nurturing! For dogs under 90 pounds sessions are given on a dog massage table. Larger or timid dogs get their PetMassage on the floor.

Dry canine massage has a similar ambiance as people massage with soft lighting, soothing music, minimal distractions, and pure and total presence. You are welcome to observe your dog and video them experiencing their PetMassage. Sessions are approximately 45 minutes.

Aquatic PetMassage for Dogs

Our intention at PetMassage is to be completely available for your dogs with all the skills we have in our therapeutic bodywork arsenal. Each PetMassage session combines swimming and aquatic bodywork.

Dry and Aquatic PetMassage combines massage and resistance-based movement to form a powerful venue for the structural musculoskeletal and myofascia alignment.

The characteristics and dynamics of the water become tools of the process. Buoyancy, warmth, current, texture, aroma, taste, spiritual familiarity, and the pressures of hydrostatic resistance all combine with touch and movement to promote cardiovascular and neural circulation, lymphatic drainage, and enhanced  chi flow.

Some dogs may require pre-session walking or a brief dry PetMassage to stretch the muscles before entering the water. There are no add-on fees for these additional enrichment services. It’s all included in your dog’s session.

Form follows Function

Sessions are functional. During in-hand swims, each water movement is safe, intentionally directed, and evaluated. During Aquatic and dry PetMassage, every manipulation is controlled and purposeful. All sessions include initial observation and assessment of gait, continuous observation and evaluation of physical movement. Consultation shares informed observation of your dogs strengths, weakness, balance, and fatigue levels. Progress is documented in clinical notes and available to your veterinary team.

Jonathan and Brooklyn are the only people permitted in the pool with your dog. You are welcome to observe, comment, and videotape your dogs session. Sessions are 25-30 minutes. Towels and life jackets are provided.

When is PetMassage right for your dog?

Massage is indicated if your dog

  • is an athlete to maintain balance and resolve minor injuries
  • is physically compromised
  • has been injured
  • is recovering from surgery
  • has arthritis or mobility difficulties
  • has spinal compression
  • is partially paralyzed
  • is an amputee (tripod)
  • walks in a harness
  • has been vet diagnosed with dysplasia of the hip, elbow, or patella
  • is overweight
  • is underweight due to hormonal or digestive imbalances
  • has seizures
  • is having a hard time emotionally adjusting to his/her or your schedule or changes in family dynamics
  • is a senior
  • is a puppy
  • is stressed
  • is depressed
  • is celebrating a birthday or anniversary

Massage and aquatic activities are contra-indicated if your dog

  • has diarrhea
  • is in shock
  • has open wounds
  • has a recently broken bone that has not yet knitted
  • has contagious skin pathologies
  • is infested with fleas or ticks
  • is a bite risk to his therapist
  • has unclipped claws
  • has been advised by your veterinarian not to get massage

The PetMassage Scope of Practice, per the Ohio State Veterinary Licensing Board: provides massage

  1. for relaxation
  2. rehabilitation massage and aquatic facilitation under the supervision of licensed veterinarians
  3. as palliative care
  4. advice based on 25 years of study and experience
  5. and at dog sporting events.


  • For active dogs, dry and aquatic PetMassage help overworked and compensating muscles by enhancing strength, flexibility, endurance, conditioning, and wellness maintenance.
  • For older, senior, inactive and/or indoor dogs, dry and aquatic PetMassage helps renew skin, coat, mobilize joints, encourage isotonic and isometric movements, and lymphatic movement. The result is a stimulated and refreshed dog.
  • For geriatric and hospice dogs, Transitions dry and aquatic PetMassage is movement meditation with touch. Its purpose is to help you and your dog share memories and emotions while bidding each other goodbye. This palliative care helps comfort your dog’s body and gentles their spirit, while offering you emotional support and an encouraging experience. The Transitions PetMassage was created to support both you and your dog.

Session Descriptions, Packages, Fees

For Dogs:

Canine Aquatic Massage 30 minutes

Dry PetMassage for Dogs Session 45 min


Monday Closed
Tuesday 11 am to 6 pm Reserved for Dogs
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 11 am to 6 pm Reserved for Dogs
Friday 11 am to 6 pm Reserved for Dogs
Saturday 9 am to 4 pm Reserved for Dogs
Sunday By arrangement People Aquatic Massage


PetMassage School/Clinic/Natatorium
2950 Douglas Road
Toledo OH 43606