Anastasia’s Affirmations
My hands move through the exact right movements that enable dogs to recover their body love.
Dogs recognize and accept my touch’s intention.
For the love of dogs, my colleagues, clients, and I work and live in respectful cooperation and harmony.
My personal vision for providing the best integrative care alternatives for our dogs is shared and supported.
Each canine massage I give is a special, life-changing event for the dog.
I lead dogs through paths that have never been trod. We go on easy, loving journeys.
I enjoy my personal time with happy, loving, supportive people.
I release and let go of any thought that does not support me or my work.
I see children and dogs sharing respectful touch and I am hopeful.
The canine massage I provide dogs ~ especially senior dogs ~ enhances the comfort and stability of that dog’s entire human family.
I stand strong in mountain pose. My core remains quiet and calm as my world spins and swirls around me.
My intuitive observations and choices are correct. I know, right?!
I am thrilled and inspired when I see how massage is helping dogs and their people.
I can easily see how my massage is helping dogs in body and mind.
I love myself for being who I am and doing what I do.
Positive, optimistic, and life-affirming, the PetMassage workshop helps me as I learn to massage dogs.
My life’s purposes: to do good and be my best, are reaffirmed during each canine massage.
I am open and responsive to the dogs inner voices.
I treat each thought, each conversation, each client with respect, appreciation, and love.
I recognize that now is the perfect time to learn the massage skills that enhance dogs’ quality of life.
I am open to expand on my ability to care for dogs in ways I have yet to discover.
Every canine massage I give enables a dog to be more comfortable moving forward in their life.
The thoughts I dwell upon determine the quality of the life I’m experiencing. I am safe. I am secure. I am love.
I so appreciate the many ways my dogs enhance the quality of my life … I enhance theirs in the best ways possible with canine massage.
I share the epicenter of my senior dogs’ world. Every moment’s better with PetMassage.
I take excellent care of myself and ask for help when I need it.
My lifelong dream to have a career massaging dogs is now my happy reality.
I infuse each touch, each breath, with love and appreciation.
I release and let go of any amoring that is restricting my progress.
My intuition guides my hands to enable dogs to recover their body love.
My hands are alive with the sound of music. I hum songs I have known for a thousand years.
I easily maintain my focus on – oh sweet, a rainbow – the dog in my hands.
Today I use massage to make a dog feel better. I am delightfully fulfilled
I have the capacity, strength, resolve, and support to be who I honestly am. I love that I can massage dogs as my dream career.
I heed the call of my spirit and follow my passion to help dogs with massage.
I release and let go of any thought that does not support me or my work.
I am enjoying a beautiful and meaningful holiday, filled with love and light, and I anticipate an excitingly vibrant 2020
Every time I enhance a dog’s quality of life with massage I share their sensation of bliss.
The value my dogs find in their canine massage is evident in every one of their movements.
I ask for and receive an abundance of everything I desire to lead a success-filled and purposeful life.
Each day brings me greater awareness and a more loving, accepting heart.
When I massage dogs their quality of life is enhanced.
When I understand and apply the research that’s available, my canine massage is more effective.
During each PetMassage I affirm the dog’s experience is perfect harmony.
Loving thoughts and responsive actions are at the core of my canine massage.
The massage I give dogs brings them lasting peace and balance.
I’m happy, healthy, and youthing when I am doing what I love.
I am comfortably aware while massaging dogs. They follow the relaxation and trust that I model.
My energies join with those of the water to enhance dogs quality of life.
My heart sings when the dogs I massage rediscover joy and comfort in their bodies.
I am sensitive and responsive to the needs of my dog clients and their people, during every stage of their lives.
This moment, I have a commitment to learn PetMassage for dogs. I am manifesting my vision for my future, NOW.
With each canine massage my life force is refreshed. I am filled with happiness and gratitude.
I surround myself with like-minded, like-intentioned people and welcome comfort and support.
I now know that I have a way to develop my natural gift, talent, and desire to help dogs using massage.
I massage my dog and we both become calm and happy.
I am making the best decisions for my future. My education and training choices will help me discover my spectacular possibilities.
Amore. The more PetMassage training I get the more I will be capable of helping dogs, and more than that loving myself
In the midst of giving a canine massage I remember exquisite clarity. I easily tap into the peace of my presence and stillness.
Thinking about giving a canine massage I am quiet, focused and centered.
Even though I become anxious every time I see the lips of a dog tighten, I love and accept myself.
Just like me, dogs are working through their issues. I am aware. I am safe.
Here is the link to “Jonathan’s Helpful Hints Blog’: Thoughts on dog bites and how to recover from them. Part 1
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