March 25-26, 2025 Advanced PetMassage Aquatics for Dogs Workshop

PetMassage Aquatic Hydrotherapy 2950 Douglas Road, Toledo, OH, United States

  Advanced PetMassage Aquatic Skills for Canine Wellness and Rehabilitative Support is open to Practioners who have completed the PetMassage Aquatics 5-day workshop. Canine Aquatic PetMassage physical manipulation is based on the science and understanding of dog structure (anatomy) and function (physiology). 2-day hands-on program: Tuesday-Wednesday, 10 AM to 4 PM. These are the final…

May 20-21, 2025 Advanced PetMassage Aquatics for Dogs Workshop

PetMassage Aquatic Hydrotherapy 2950 Douglas Road, Toledo, OH, United States

  Advanced PetMassage Aquatic Skills for Canine Wellness and Rehabilitative Support is open to Practioners who have completed the PetMassage Aquatics 5-day workshop. Canine Aquatic PetMassage physical manipulation is based on the science and understanding of dog structure (anatomy) and function (physiology). 2-day hands-on program: Tuesday-Wednesday, 10 AM to 4 PM. These are the final…

July 22-23, 2025 Advanced PetMassage Aquatics for Dogs Workshop

PetMassage Aquatic Hydrotherapy 2950 Douglas Road, Toledo, OH, United States

  Advanced PetMassage Aquatic Skills for Canine Wellness and Rehabilitative Support is open to Practioners who have completed the PetMassage Aquatics 5-day workshop. Canine Aquatic PetMassage physical manipulation is based on the science and understanding of dog structure (anatomy) and function (physiology). 2-day hands-on program: Tuesday-Wednesday, 10 AM to 4 PM. These are the final…

Aquatic Massage Hydrotherapy for People Workshop – August 16-17, 2025

PetMassage Aquatic Hydrotherapy 2950 Douglas Road, Toledo, OH, United States

A 2-day, on-site workshop held at the Aquatic Massage Hydrotherapy indoor pool in Toledo Ohio with instructor, Jonathan Rudinger, LMT RN. Experience the mind-body-spirit buoyancy of Aquatic Massage Hydrotherapy and learn its basic moves and positions, body and breath mechanics and water-based massage skills. This is pool-based hydrotherapy. Aquatic massage incorporates assistive movement, stretching (skeletal…

October 28-29, 2025 Advanced PetMassage Aquatics for Dogs Workshop

PetMassage Aquatic Hydrotherapy 2950 Douglas Road, Toledo, OH, United States

  Advanced PetMassage Aquatic Skills for Canine Wellness and Rehabilitative Support is open to Practioners who have completed the PetMassage Aquatics 5-day workshop. Canine Aquatic PetMassage physical manipulation is based on the science and understanding of dog structure (anatomy) and function (physiology). 2-day hands-on program: Tuesday-Wednesday, 10 AM to 4 PM. These are the final…