Posts Tagged ‘Affirmation’
My memory is sharing love.
I see beauty in every direction.
I am the perfect presence to aid self-discovery.
Dogs have a profound experience in my hands.
Grounding is a need, as important as food, water and shelter.
My expectations are far greater than my vision.
I am safe. I am loved. I am happy.
Everything old does not have to be new again. Each moment is an opportunity to recreate myself.
Exercise, conscious eating, and consistent bodywork and energywork all keep me healthy and balanced.
I recognize the subtle cues my dog shares with me.
You and I, together, are We.
I lovingly acknowledge and release any patterns that are interfering with my success and happiness.
My life’s work is vital, loving, and fulfilling.
I am surrounded by stacks and stacks of shiny coins.
I enjoy the journey that is my life.
When I take care of myself first I have more to give to others.
I remain open to accepting and adapting to how the universe supports me.
I enjoy my personal time with happy, loving, supportive people.
I value myself enough to improve myself.
Those who I love support me.
My practice is powerful, meaningful, joyful, and rewarding.
I am living my devine plan.
A little love can make a big difference.
I wave like a queen, dispersing the love and happiness I feel.
I intuitively move to the exact right place at the exact right moment.
The universe supports me.
I remain open to accepting and adapting to how the universe supports me.
I am wonderful and I love myself.
My support systems (business coach, attorney, CPA, family, friends, etc.) admire my decisions.
I sleep comfortably through the night.
I enjoy the company of happy, loving, supportive people.
I allow for vacation time to relax, replenish, and renew myself.
My business benefits tremendously with marketing follow-up phone calls.
I prosper safely, easily, and abundantly.
I enjoy marketing my business.
My affirmations only have positive intentions.
I attract optimistic people in my life.
As I praise others I am praising myself.
It is the dog’s session and her choice to change.
I choose to feel okay in this moment.
I sing happier everyday.
I approve of myself.
Abundance comes to me safely and easily.
I am comfortable being seen.
I slow down my pace and accomplish my goals quickly.
My responsibility is to show dogs their choices.
I am the dog’s witness: all is well.
I am free.
I love and approve of my career choice.
The more I know myself, the more I appreciate myself.
My movements are balanced and strong.
My PetMassage™ practice grows when I expand my skills.
Slower, mindful eating eases my mind and digestion.
My heart chakra is open.
Comfort is what I desire throughout my body, mind and soul.
My clients trust me completely.
I love myself therefore my body is fully healed and happy.
As I breathe, I feel my body move into alignment.
I am profoundly present with dogs and their people.
When my friend grants me a favor, we both receive a gift.
I close my eyes and watch my spirit dance.
I love, trust, and value myself totally.
I am thankful for being aware of my talents.
As I stay on purpose, abundant money flows to me.
I see my path clearly.
I honor myself with all my heart and soul.
My life improves when I truly believe in me.
I easily recognized and correctly interpret my dog’s signals.
I feel light and happy and free.
I call upon my true friends and they lovingly show up.
I breathe into loving myself.
I smile brighter everyday.
Allow the statement to become a mantra during the week. For greater effectiveness post it on your mirror and every time you see it, remind yourself that you are a…
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