Hmm…Toning in Canine Massage.

When I was very young while visiting my grandfather, I learned a valuable lesson. I recall being in a sunlit porch with him and a couple of his buddies. One of the men clasped his hands against my ears and faux-whispered a secret to the others that I was not supposed to hear. I heard…

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Speaking in Tongues In PetMassage; Internalized Sensations

Speaking in Tongues In PetMassage; Internalized Sensations Aromas are Conversational Dogs skin releases aromas during PetMassage. They are different when the dog is sick, healthy, tired, hungry, fearful, lonely, happy, stressed, anxious, holding back, and/or simply relaxing. This is how dogs know so much about each other … and us. Pheromones These aromas are not…

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The PetMassage Assessment Stroke

The PetMassage Assessment Stroke Assessment strokes are an important part of every canine massage. They help us, the Practitioner, and the dogs, identify where to focus to get the most out of the PetMassage session. Assessments strokes follow specific patterns and help us understand the dog’s whole body. They traverse the top line, the underside,…

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