Toning the spirit of your distant or deceased animal.

There is another application for toning; one that I thought I’d save for another of my Helpful Hint blogs. Add it to your energy work. Charge your palms by rubbing them together. Cup them to form an energy ball. Charge the energy ball by breathing with your hands; pulling them slightly apart and feeling them…

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Pinecone offers insights into canine massage.

I was taking a walk with our two dogs. When we are in the park, I’m always scanning the trail for who knows what I might trip over: branches, tree roots, slippery blobs of processed dog food. When we paused for the dogs to get their sniffs on, my attention was drawn to a grayish…

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Living the dream and including pets in Hospice care.

Living the dream and including pets in Hospice care. Living the dream. I recently overheard a fellow describing his job as “living the dream.” When he said it, he used air quotes.  I sensed that he felt defeated. A meaningful vocation was beyond his imagination. I too describe my life as “living the dream.” And,…

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Spirit Expressions of Lake and Dogs

Spirit Expressions of Lake and Dogs Messages From The Deep Sitting on the beach watching the waves, I’m drawn to the dark grey-blue horizon line defining the lake surface against the luminescent aquamarine sky. The sounds of waves envelop me. The lake is alive; breathing its waves onto the sand. Exhale on, inhale back. The…

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Burping in PetMassage™

What’s In A Burp? At the beginning of each PetMassage™ Foundation Level workshop we introduce ourselves to the group, sharing a little about ourselves. Students describe how their lives and passions defined them and propelled them to choose PetMassage™ for training, and find themselves part of this specific group. In a recent workshop, while one…

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