Hey Rocky, want to see me pull a rabbit out of my hat? Again Bullwinkle?

Last week I was massaging a sweet senior dog. I could not walk her during her PetMassage assessment because her hind legs kept crossing and getting tangled beneath her. She was unable to stand unassisted. Her eyes, still and dull, stared unfocusingly into space. Here and not here, she was Stuck in a dispirited, uninspiring…

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Speaking in Tongues In PetMassage; Internalized Sensations

Speaking in Tongues In PetMassage; Internalized Sensations Aromas are Conversational Dogs skin releases aromas during PetMassage. They are different when the dog is sick, healthy, tired, hungry, fearful, lonely, happy, stressed, anxious, holding back, and/or simply relaxing. This is how dogs know so much about each other … and us. Pheromones These aromas are not…

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