5th Chakra: What are we saying?
Thank you note card
When students return home after they have attended workshops they often send thank you notes describing their experiences and life changing epiphanies. There is one card in particular that I resonate to so deeply that I keep it next to my desk on my bookshelf. It is a drawing of a wolf. I’ve seen hundreds of images of wolves; and this one isn’t especially well drawn. Yet, there is such an intense energy infused in it that every time I glance at it, I hear the distant hauntingly eerie sound of a wolf’s howl. It is more than a replaying of a memory of a sound. I experience it deep in the depths of my being. I feel the intentionality of the howl deep in my loins. Take a moment to remember what the wolf’s howl sounds like. Listen to your memories. If you can, feel it deep in your 1st and 2nd chakras.
Energetic vortex
The 5th Chakra is the energetic vortex located in the throat. Initially, we may think of it as our voice. It controls our ability to speak. When there is a disturbance in the lower chakras, that ability is hindered. That is the reason for the cough or throat-catch where we are uncertain or fearful. The voice is supported and energized by the energy vortices, wired in series, below it. Everything is connected.
All the chakras are stacked atop one another and work together.
Have you ever – of course, your have – sneezed so hard, you tooted? Have you ever – of course, you have – coughed so hard that your anus hurt? Have you – of course, you have — laughed so hard that your belly ached, or laughed so hard you leaked a tiny squirt of urine?
Fifth rung of the chakra ladder
The Throat Chakra is the first of the higher, or spiritual chakras on the “chakra ladder.” The gift of this chakra is accepting your originality, expressing your authentic voice and speaking your truth. The energy of this chakra allows you to seek knowledge that is true, beyond limitation of time and space, beyond cultural and family conditioning. [http://www.chakra-anatomy.com/throat-chakra.html] Remember that the reference sources for your lower chakras are as old as the stardust that forms the earth. They begin with the earth, and become more specifically individualized as they move up. By the time they get to the Throat Chakra, they have moved through the Heart, the seat of our wisdom and emotion as well as cardio pump.
The 5th chakra is the platform for communication
When we hear someone speak with a scratchy or hoarse – throaty – voice, we often consider that the person is holding back what they really want or need to say. Their heart rate increases and their respiration rate increases when fear has a grip on their throat. Moving through the fear, by moving out of our comfort zone and speaking our truth, releases the self-imposed constriction.
The 5th chakra rules self expression and speaking one’s truth, the written word, poetry, faith, and will power. It includes the physical senses of taste, smell and hearing and personal truth, self knowledge, and our attitudes. Throat Chakra imbalances may be experienced as poor self expression, habitual lying, learning disabilities, doubt, fear, and uncertainty. So, if your dog is resistant to socialization or training, imbalances of the Throat Chakra are reflected as a lack of authority, indecisiveness and the need to take charge. [http://balance.chakrahealingsounds.com/5th-chakra/]
The 5th chakra is the platform for more than the outward projection of sound, whatever its quality.
Throat Chakra Challenges: doubt and negative thinking
The main challenges for the 5th are doubt and negative thinking. Self doubt and negativity stem from the impressions that filter up through the lower 4 chakras. Doubt and negativity affect personal awareness, responsiveness, and even proprioception. These are common hindrances that severely affect dogs normal activities of daily living, their ADLs. These are addressed and resolved with PetMassageTM.
How can you tell if your dog’s Throat Chakra is out of balance?
Dogs can often read human wants and needs by observing our body language. One reason your dog’s 5th Chakra may be out of balance is that it is straining to understand what is happening. Have you recently moved? Are there any new people living in your home? Did anyone leave? Did another animal in the house die, or if you are fostering, find a “forever” home?
Have you changed your diet (which alters your scent)? Have you changed any habits or daily rituals, like beginning an exercise program or eliminating sugar (which alters your activity level)?
Listen to your dog’s voice. Listen to the rate of respiration. Listen for heavy sighs, for coughing, for hoarseness. Notice any unnatural growths on the skin around the throat; curious folds of skin, unsymmetrical muscle mass. Notice if your dog is moaning or barking excessively.
Vibrations of the Throat Chakra
Each of the chakras resonates with a series of vibrations. You may have noticed that many throat lozenges are blue. For the Throat Chakra, the color is blue. Blue. Like the freedom of free expression, a bird show, flying across the blue sky. Blue. Like the clear waters of the Mediterranean, off the coast of Turkey. Blue. Like the smoky haze drifting up from powerful native American drum circles.
Stimulating the vibrations
I have heard that infusing your dog’s world with things that are blue will stimulate the Throat Chakra. This could be a blue food dish or water bowl, a blue blanket or pad, a blue collar, or using a blue leash. This is not done with a painted dish, as turquoise stone, a flower essence or a musical note. These could all stimulate the singular chakra; however, we know that the chakra system is a ladder that is interdependent. What your dog needs is to experience reinvigorated connections among all of his chakras. This is done by accessing and connecting them all to each other so they function together.
PetMassageTM Chakra balancing is taught in the Advanced Level Workshop. With PetMassageTM Chakra balancing, we assist dogs to access and verify their integration of memory impressions. They have the direct experience of having their chakras aligned and synchronized.
The results
The results are enhanced well being and socialization. The dogs spontaneously release undesirable, no longer necessary fears and the behaviors that support them. The predominant movers are balance, confidence, and inner harmony.