Listen to the guidance of your Divine self.

The first day of the PetMassage Foundation Level Program is filled with happiness, empowerment and wonder. Jonathan and I (Anastasia) greet our new students and welcome them into our PetMassage tribe of canine massage practitioners.
Our students come from all walks of life and they have these things in common: they all love dogs and understand that they can help dogs and society when they practice canine massage. Their backgrounds are diverse and so are their ages, 18 through 75.
I truly understand what it takes to move on and do what you want to do. I left the corporate world when my intuition kicked in to tell me I must. I was well paid and well respected with every position I held. Yet after 25 years, I was unhappy. Feeling controlled by someone else’s ideas, rules, and regulations, I listened to the wisdom of my higher self. I heard “go to massage school.” I made the decision to do it, to quit the corporate world. I would be my own boss. I went to the Chicago School of Massage and became a massage therapist. I was the one in control. I was joyful!
You can do something that makes you happy and free. You can be someone who is loyal to your true self.
Our PetMassage students want an independent life, creating their own rules of doing business, choosing the hours they work, the types of dogs they work with, and pursuing the type of work that most appeals to them: athletic dogs, rehab, senior dogs, or perhaps with grooming or puppy training.
This may be what you always wanted to do, beginning when you were a young child. As a child you watched over your family dogs and understood them. You helped the injured and the strays. You were the one who took on the responsibility of taking loving care of dogs. With PetMassage, as a Certified Canine Massage Practitioner, you have a new adult career, doing what you love.
During the PetMassage Foundation Level Program you will learn the basics of the skills you need to practice canine massage. As a Rebirther, a Conscious Connected Breathing Practitioner, I know that everything begins, and can be resolved, with breathing. It is the same with PetMassage. In this program, you learn to combine your breath with proper body mechanics, and incorporate them in all the Foundation Level techniques such as massage touch, strokes, skin rolling, joint mobilization, therapeutic stretching, grounding, gait and body observation, and documentation. The workshop part of the Program includes two ½-day mini-workshops. One is in body mechanics for canine massage practitioners and another in effective dog handling skills.
In addition to the above hands-on modalities, the Program includes 3 home-study courses in canine anatomy, marketing, and dog handling skills.
We pledge to support our PetMassage practitioners (free of charge) for as long as you practice PetMassage. Whenever you have questions about massage techniques, specific concerns, marketing, and legal issues, we help you quickly and complimentary.
I love to inspire students to honor themselves and affirm and empower their personal and professional lives. I encourage you to honor your own divine self.
Attend the PetMassage Foundation Level Program workshop.
Become the best PetMassage practitioner possible. Jonathan is an excellent instructor. He will teach you all the massage skills you need to know to begin a successful practice. You will enjoy his passion and loving sense of humor. Link to Testimonials You are welcome to register online. Pay in full, or pay ½ as a deposit. If you would like a convenient monthly payment plan, call or text Beth at 800-779-1001, outside the U.S. please call 1-419-475-3539.
Register for your workshop soon. We look forward to sharing our passion and expertise in canine massage with you.