Canine urinary incontinence

Canine urinary incontinence Aquatic PetMassage just discovered a novel treatment for some dogs’ urinary incontinence. It’s a breakthrough! It will save dogs lives! This is a recent testimonial in the…

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PetMassage on The Dog Face

There are areas on your dog’s face that connect with internal organs and their corresponding meridians. Forehead: bladder and intestines Temples and ears: kidneys Between eyebrows: liver and stomach Nose:…

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Waves inspire canine massage.

Waves tracing patterns in the sand: what could be more inspirational! The water and wind flowing rhythmically along the shore aligns perfectly with the flowing dance of massage. Whenever I…

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Notice how each particle moves.

Notice how each particle moves, Notice how everyone has just arrived here from a journey, Notice how each wants a different food, Notice how the stars vanish as the sun…

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What happens in Vegas.

What happens in Vegas. We’ve all heard (or said), “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.” Or New York, or Chicago, or Miami, or —-. Canine massage is not like…

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Senior dog massage

One of the good things we’ve learned during the pandemic is that dog owners are maturing in their appreciation of their dogs. Especially their older, more vulnerable dogs. They are…

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Sumi-e PetMassage

Japanese Ink Painting I had an intriguing lesson last weekend. I attended a short workshop on Sumi-e painting. I rediscovered and reclaimed a freedom that I had nearly forgotten. I…

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Gait Observation For PetMassage

We can only know for sure what effects our massage is having on the dogs if we’ve first established a baseline for their movement. Then, we can recognize changes from…

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Protests for Canine Massage

Protests all over the planet are revealing a lot about us and our culture. We’re learning that there are disconcerting versions of our history, our education, our culture, even our…

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