PetMassage creative artistry

When PetMassagingTM your dog, imagine her as a work of art still in process of becoming complete. An unfinished process of creation. As you open up to your inner puppy (who is undoubtedly wearing a beret and paint splattered smock), let your creative juices and imagination flow. Mold her, smooth her, ruffle her, coax and cajole her; soften her, shift her relationship within her environment, explain her to herself; witness for her, show her, her inner spirit, connect her to the earth, and, open pathways for her to flourish. During your PetMassageTM the two of you reveal your most intimate secrets. Whispers of fascia and breath. Whatever happens to either one of you affects the other. Whatever happens to one of you affects both of you. She is your work of creation. And, in the process, you become hers. You are both creating your lives as you go. During your PetMassageTM you are assisting each other to enhance the lives you’ve created. Voila!Absolument remarquable.


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