PetMassage Programs and workshops

We talk a lot about PetMassage Programs and workshops. If you an experienced workshop attendee, you know what to expect. And, it’s all good! It is possible that you have never before signed up for a workshop; especially a vocational training workshop. “What are they?” “What can I expect?” “Am I comfortable taking 5 days for myself?” “Am I okay with traveling and staying at a hotel with my dog for the training?” You are not the first person with these questions.
For the last 20+ years we taught over 300 canine massage training workshops. PetMassage is a pioneer in the canine massage industry with an excellent reputation. Our focus is only on canines. People just like you (actually no one is just like you) have overridden their doubts, trusted their intuition, and traveled to Toledo Ohio for a joyous, life transforming workshop experience in which they immerse themselves in dogs and massage. You can, too. Testimonials
When’s the best time for you to decide to learn canine massage and begin your practice of it? (Trick question: its rhetorical.) The correct answer is obviously: NOW. Affirmations only actualize when they are supported with Action.
Canine massage is a hands-on trade. By definition, it requires hands-on, one-on-one instruction. The core training elements for each of the 3 PetMassage training programs are their hands-on workshops.
The workshop is the most important part of the program. That’s where you really learn the hands-on art of canine massage. The Foundation Level is offered 5 times a year. The Advanced Level, twice, and the Canine Aquatic Massage Levels 1 and 2, are offered 3 times a year. Choose the workshop that is offered on the dates that are most convenient for you.
It is imperative to have an experienced instructor show you how it’s done and correct and guide you when you return demonstrate. Otherwise the massage you give is essentially your interpretation of what you think you read and watched on videos. Without personal instruction it is not training. It’s random, guesstimate touch. What you think is canine massage is simply a variation on the petting you do now, without training.
In PetMassage workshops, students learn to use their bodies, hearts, and minds with intentionality; so that their touch is correct. Each movement is clean, clear, safe, ergonomically comfortable, and productive. Our graduates can be confident that their massage enhances the lives of dogs.
In PetMassage you need to know more than how to move your hands over the dog’s body. Each program includes the technical content that provides meaning and purpose for the massage. Each program includes home study courses, required research, canine massage practice sessions, and a set of videos; all of which are reviewed and critiqued before certification is awarded. It sounds like a lot. And, it is. Based on our experience, we know these are all essential parts of the joyful journey you are on to get you where you want to be!
You receive on-going support from PetMassage regarding anatomy, hands on skills, marketing and legal information as long as you continue to practice PetMassage.
There are payment options for paying workshop fees. This discounted price is already listed on the website.
- Pay in full when you register.
- Pay 50% deposit at the time of your registration and pay the balance on the first day of the workshop.
- Set up a convenient monthly payment plan to pay for your workshop in installments. $2000 may be a challenge to gather all at once. This is a way to spread out the cost of your training over several months.
Here’s the link to the calendar of workshops.
- When’s the best time for you to decide to learn and practice canine massage? NOW!
- How are you going to get your affirmation to manifest? REGISTER!
- Who’s going to beam with excitement and anticipation? ME!
Do your due diligence. Check out our website. Compare schools and programs. PetMassage workshop fees include all the texts necessary to learn and practice canine massage. Read what others have written as reviews. Trust your heart and enroll in the program that feels right. If PetMassage is your choice, I look forward to being your mentor.