Reactions And Responses Of Dogs

Recently, a PetMassage student told me that when she was deciding which school to take her training, she determined that the PetMassage program differs from the other schools in the importance we place on the mind – spirit applications.
Here’s an example. Dogs reactions may be newly learned responses such as using extra caution on the sofa because yesterday your dog slid off onto her head. They might be from retaining the memory of what it felt like to be alone, or cold, or hungry, or abused. On a more positive vein, they may as well be retaining the memories of how it feels to be loved, warm, well fed, and content.
Many of their learned responses are from ancient stressors that have been passed down in their cultural memories and DNA through a thousand generations. Intuitive responses are not always directly related to dealing with saber-toothed tigers.
Reservoir Dogs
The way dogs breathe, move, and react may be related to their doshas, or Ayurveda mind and body type. There are three doshas, or Ayurveda mind and body types: Vata, Pitta and Kapha.
On the surface you may have thought of the three doshas as simply body types: thin, grande, and baby bear. There’s a lot more to it than that.
According to Ayurveda, each of us has a unique mix of the three mind/body principles. It is the unique mix which creates our specific mental and physical characteristics. These three principles are called ‘doshas’. Each of us are made up of a combination of the three types of doshas.
Most of us and our dogs have one or two doshas which are dominant, most lively in our nature, with the remaining one(s) less so.
Ayurvedic medicine is based on an individual’s characteristics and body frame rather than oriented toward treating disease or sickness.
The doshas as a group are comprised of these five universal elements:
1. space (ether)
2. air
3. earth
4. fire
5. water
Vata is a combination of air and space.
Pitta is mostly fire with some water.
Kapha is mostly water with some earth.
Overall well-being and striving for longevity depends on maintaining balance in your doshas. Any imbalance among the tridoshas causes a state of unhealthiness.
Factors that can bring about balance of the tridoshas include diet, exercise, good digestion, and elimination of toxins…all of which are enhanced with PetMassage for dogs
Whatever your dogs physical and emotional body type, they will benefit with PetMassage. Naturally, thinner nervous (ectomorph) dogs will have different needs and will tolerate less pressure than thicker heavier lumbering (endomorph) dogs and mezzomorph dogs.
Doshas are also Karmic. We each have our physical and emotional bodies because we are the sum total effects of a thousand generations of the causal stressors that we have collected along the way and carried along in our spirit bodies.
PetMassage, when it taps into deeply seated fascia memories and elicits releases, helps dogs create spiritual Karmic balance. And that helps maintain dosha balance.
So Much To Learn
There’s a lot more to PetMassage than rubbing and petting dogs. PetMassage affects all aspects of our dogs lives, body mind and spirit; and all times: past, future, and present.
Our workshops are listed in the PetMassage™Events Calendar.