Full Title: The Power of Mindfulness and Heart
Author: Traci Evans
Date of Publication: July 28, 2022
PDF: https://petmassage.com/wp-content/uploads/THE-POWER-OF-MINDFULNESS-AND-HEART.pdf
Research Paper Text:
The Power of Mindfulness and Heart
Traci Evans
July 28, 2022
Dogs are constantly assessing us, to know if they ought to follow our lead and move into the feeling of safety and trust. They track the quality and confidence in our movements, our breathing patterns, our pheromones, our perspiration, and our level of engagement with them.
The way you move is important. Dogs can feel the difference if you are moving from your head, or your heart. When we are breathing comfortably, they feel secure, comforted and more connected. They can also tell when we are stressed, in pain, confused, concerned or worried, because we unconsciously hold our breath. (Ref. Jonathan Rudinger, PetMassage Institute)
When I began my journey to seek mind, body and spiritual peace and happiness – and learning how it all works together as a whole to bring complete balance to our life, I really had no idea the impact this would have on me and all other beings I would come in contact with. The goal, along with my own inner peace, was to have a more connected and ultimately effective outcome with the dogs I would work with.
Like most, I have done quite a bit of reading and watched a lot of documentaries to gain a clear understanding of how to accomplish this inner peace. Although my mind was comprehending this information, it seemed to be a very superficial feeling for me and I wasn’t sure if or how I would be able to make the internal connection. It’s so easy to get caught up in our daily distractions and stresses, that constantly reminding ourselves to “just let it go” seems practically impossible.
In the midst of this journey a new challenge landed in my path, literally. A nest of baby birds scattered around my yard would soon change everything for me. After an unsuccessful attempt to return them to their nest, I felt it was my responsibility to fight for them and give them a chance to survive. These five babies, only days old, were severely dehydrated and sick. My spouse took three of them and I the other two, and we worked to get them rehydrated. We were both doing our best to care for them, while also trying to read as fast as we could about their symptoms. Then, sadly, my spouse was holding the first baby when it died. I could see the others weren’t far behind. Based on everything I was reading, it seemed they were suffering from a yeast infection, both internally and externally. Warm baths in diluted apple cider vinegar to cleanse their skin and rehydrating with a tiny syringe, also filled with acv, were the best I felt we could do for them. Minutes later, another baby my spouse was caring for, died… then, the third.
That’s when something shifted in me. That is really the best word I can come up with for what happened. It was like a tunnel vision experience. I didn’t see or hear anything going on around me. It was as though the world had stopped. All I know is that I was holding these two lives in the palms of my hands, and in that moment, my whole being became about saving them.
I became aware of every second passing by. I became aware of the water enveloping their tiny body’s. I became aware of the color and texture of their skin… and of how their bodies were deflating and dying. It was as though it was all happening in slow motion. Even though my eyes were watching them fade away, something inside of me wouldn’t allow me to stop trying. I was physically seeing them die, but deep within me all I was feeling, was life.
I didn’t feel sad or anxious… I felt calm and full of love for them. I hoped that if I held them close to my heart, it could help them feel safe and secure. I hoped that they would somehow sense what I was feeling for them, and it would give them the strength and will to fight to live.
Each second, became minutes. The same way I was aware of them dying, I was now witnessing them come back to life… still, in slow motion.
Their bodies were beginning to rehydrate. Their skin went from pale to pink… their veins red and full again. I felt love and happiness on a completely different level than I had ever experienced.
With each day they became healthier and stronger. I continue to observe and learn about them. I think when we see birds, or any wild animal in general, we see them as a specific species that all function the same. That isn’t the case at all. They very much have their own distinct personalities.
I’ve also learned about their fears… which seems to be a lot of things! They’re afraid of things like, new objects in their environment and bright colors such as, reds and fluorescents. What I’ve found especially interesting is their reaction to certain sounds.
So, there are “sounds” that they are afraid of, but what I’ve witnessed has been physical responses to tones in voices and the energy coming from a person. Loud, obnoxious laughing and tense, or emotionally heightened tones in voices, cause them to become aggressive and bite at the person’s nose and mouth.
More than anything though, the energy we give off affects them the most… This, ultimately affecting me the most. This is where I began to piece together the things I had read about, with all of my experiences with the birds. I recalled reading about how mindfulness is when you are truly there, mind and body together. You breathe in and out mindfully, you bring your mind back to your body, and you are there. When your mind is there with your body, you are established in the present moment. Then you can recognize the many conditions of happiness that are in you and around you, and happiness just comes naturally. Mindfulness practice should be enjoyable, not work. Like breathing, it takes no effort. Allow your breath to take place. Become aware of it and enjoy it.
During the time you are practicing mindfulness, you stop talking – not only the talking outside, but the talking inside. The talking inside is the thinking, the mental discourse that goes on and on inside. Real silence is the cessation of talking – of both the mouth and of the mind. This is not the kind of silence that oppresses us. It is a very powerful kind of silence… that heals and nourishes us.
All of this makes so much sense and doesn’t really seem hard at all… but when we only know a life of mental chatter, turning it off isn’t that easy. So, there I was, at a place where I thought I was doing well and practicing my breathing to calm my tensions and stresses. I quickly learned, with a little help, that I wasn’t doing it quite right. I wasn’t breathing mindfully. I needed to focus my attention on it. This is my in-breath. This is my out-breath. When you do that, the mental chatter stops. You don’t think anymore and you don’t have to make an effort to stop your thinking; you bring your attention to your in-breath and the mental discourse just stops. That is the miracle of the practice. You don’t think of the past anymore and you don’t think of the future. You don’t think of anything, because you are focusing your attention, your mindfulness, on your breath. It takes practice, constantly reminding ourselves to just, stop.
For me, apparently it took the help of a little birdie on my shoulder. Or, two little birdie’s. They can sense my tension, before I even realize I am tense. If I am feeling stressed, or anxious about something, they let me know by fluttering in my face. If I am upset, or angry, and yelling for my dogs to stop chasing a rabbit, or another dog, the birds will come and bite at my nose and mouth. The same if I am just feeling the anger inside, because perhaps I had a tense encounter with someone. They sense it and let me know. It was during these times, that I learned to breathe mindfully. That is the key… and it changed everything. I became the safe, secure and loving place for these birds. They come to me for comfort when something scares them. They rest against my neck, or my chest over my heart – both where they can feel my heartbeat and it calms them. Mindful breathing quickly became a new way of life for me.
When you breath mindfully, you become aware of your body. The quality of your in-breath and out-breath will be improved. There is more peace and harmony in your breathing, and if you continue to practice like that, the peace and harmony will penetrate into the body and the body will profit.
Breathing in, you are aware of your body. Breathing out, you release the tension in your body. Peace now becomes possible. I was not only seeing how this was affecting my own being, but it was affecting all beings around me.
The coexistence between all of us – my dogs, birds and myself, became a beautiful harmonious dance. The dogs were able to understand how important the birds are, thus, no longer viewing them as prey. And the birds understand that the dogs have their place as well, and learned to maneuver around them. They are learning what different sounds mean, that the others make. They’ve learned what play is and they actually try to be a part of it. They all love to be loved and just want to be a part of the family. Both teaching the other how to coexist in harmony. None of this though, could have happened without a peaceful and loving environment. Mindfulness.
It is always possible to practice releasing the tension in yourself. You don’t have to wait for the right time, or place. It can be practiced many times a day – in the workplace, while you are driving, cooking, washing dishes, or while you’re watering the garden. There is no right or wrong time for it.
I walk dogs for other people every day. I’ve extended my mindful breathing, into mindful walking. Essentially, walking meditation. Every step is enjoyable. Body and mind together, I am completely aware. I am fully alive, fully present in the here and now, able to touch the wonders of life around me. When you walk like that, every step brings healing, peace and joy, because every step is a miracle. My growth throughout this journey has changed my interaction and ability to better connect with the dogs I work with. I make sure to always be aware of my breathing before I engage them. If I am having an “off” day, they instantly know it and our connection will be “off” as well.
As mentioned at the beginning of this writing, dogs are constantly assessing us, to know if they ought to follow our lead and move into the feeling of safety and trust. This essentially applies to all animals. It seems people tend to assume the position that the “pet” should just learn to adjust to a life with humans and all of the chaos that goes with it. And for the most part, that is exactly what they do. They try in their own way to let us know when something isn’t right, or isn’t balanced. The problem is, we don’t always pay attention, or we assume it’s just something with our pets. But what if, we actually took a step back to observe and listen with mindfulness… and in turn, move with our hearts.
They say that dogs live for the now. They don’t live in the past and they don’t live for an unknown future. This is true for all animals. And thanks to them, I understand it now. They have shown me that there is nothing more important than the present. That our mere existence is a miracle and a blessing and should be treated as such. And that we should respect, nourish and love it. There are teachers all around us, who can show us the way to a more meaningful and fulfilling life… all we have to do, is listen.
Full Title: Speaking in Tongues
Author: Ashley Stroud
Date of Publication: April 6, 2023
PDF: https://petmassage.com/wp-content/uploads/Speaking-in-Tongues.pdf
Research Paper Text:
Speaking in Tongues
Ashley Stroud
April 27, 2023
Lap, lap, lapping up a cool bowl of water.
Panting in your face after a good game of tug.
Getting those last hard to reach tasty bits of peanut butter in the food puzzle. And who doesn’t love an exuberant slobbery kiss?!
That seemingly inert moist glob that is the amazing canine tongue is such an active background soundtrack to our lives with dogs, it’s easy to forget it is actually a complex muscle that is acutely connected to our dog’s health that can give us clues to behavior state and overall well-being.
In general, healthy tongues are moist and bubble gum pink. There are exceptions to note such as benign pigmentation spots which may appear in any breed, and the required breed standard of a blue/black tongue in Chow Chow and Shar-Pei, but let’s take an even closer look.
The main life-functions of the canine tongue are: moving food and water to the esophagus, aid in mastication, panting, and interacting with their world. A canine tongue is comprised primarily of skeletal muscle, nerves, mucous membrane, and vessels (2). It can also be described as intrinsic muscles (the muscles of the tongue itself) and extrinsic muscles (the muscles that 1 attach the tongue to structures). Its highly vascularized with the main blood supply being the lingual artery, as well as the tonsillar branch of the facial artery and ascending artery. At the most basic anatomical level it consists of a root, long body, and apex, with a dorsal and ventral side (1). The root is attached to the hyoid bone and the mandible via the hyoglossus and genioglossus muscle. The free, dorsal side is divided in two by the median groove. This side is also where the papillae are located which assist in taste, temperature, and touch response itself.
There are many nerves affecting the tongue; for a more complete view of cranial nerve roots please see attached plate from Dog Anatomy: a coloring atlas Plate 80. Some major nerves to note include (2):
glossopharyngeal nerve: taste and touch
hypoglossal nerve: motor function to muscles of tongue
facial nerve: chorda tympani branch joins lingual nerve and senses taste, motor to lacrimal and salivary glands
trigeminal nerve: sensory touch to the tongue and motor to mastication muscles
While technically the tongue CAN be palpated, it is generally not appreciated by your canine client. Being housed in the mouth, which may contain up to 42 teeth, it also may not be safe to palpate or physically handle the tongue. We can however use our powers of observation to glean information about our canine client’s state by taking a moment to consider the nuanced tongue as we go about the business of providing them with aquatic bodywork.
According to Four Paws Five Directions “the tongue is a visual gateway to the interior of the body. The whole body ‘lives’ on the tongue, rather like a hologram”(5)
Color, shape, and texture all give vital information to the state of your canine client. How is the dog holding their tongue…
Is it lolling out the side? Is it slightly curled or spatulate at the end as the dog heavily pants? Is it tucked securely inside a mouth that has tightening at the corners? What color is it—dark pink or purple? Grey? Bubblegum pink?
What texture is it…moist and shiny, dry, cracked?
As they breath in and out, what does their breath and mouth smell like?
How has the tongue position and color changed as you’ve moved though the bodywork session? Has their breathing changed throughout the session?
What are they trying to communicate to you the practitioner, with their tongue?
Licking of the mouth (YOUR mouth) is an indication of submissiveness. Licking their own lips or smcking/chewing motions also “indicate submissiveness, willingness to learn, and to join up with the pack.”(4)
“When he feels discomfort or anxiety when you are working on a particular area, he will distract himself by stimulating another part of his anatomy, licking, or scratching. The licking distraction gives him a sense of comfort and control and can become addictive.”(4) This can lead to self-mutilation.
While we may not be able to directly massage the canine tongue, often form follows function. Remember those basic life functions mentioned earlier? The tongue’s extrinsic muscles have a direct connection to the throat, jaw, palate, and head.
“…dysfunction of activity can occur when either the position of the tongue is disturbed, when structures attaching to the tongue are compromised, or when the tongue’s neurological pathways are adversely stressed.”(3) By providing relief and restoring balance where possible to compromised areas via bodywork, we can have a chain reaction to the form and function of surrounding areas and those further down the chain, like the humble tongue!
1. Anatomylearner.com Dog Tongue Anatomy
2. Dog Anatomy: a coloring atlas Plate 51,80
3. Massagemag.com The Tongue: how cranial sacral therapy can help this important muscle
4. Four Paws Five Directions pgs 47-50
Full Title: Water Asphyxiation in Dogs
Author: Brooklyn Green
Date of Publication: April 6, 2023
PDF: https://petmassage.com/wp-content/uploads/Water-Asphyxiation-in-Dogs.pdf
Research Paper Text:
Water Asphyxiation
Brooklyn Green
April 6, 2023
Asphyxiation is the state or process of being deprived of oxygen, which can result in unconsciousness or death; suffocation. Specifically, water asphyxiation is when inhaled water or other liquids get in the airway and make it difficult to breath. This can happen to any species, any breed, and can occur over a period. Even temporary suffocation can have an influence on your dog. There are many signs, symptoms, and ways to avoid or help a canine from asphyxiation.
Have you ever wondered if a dog could hold its breath? Well, the answer is yes. Dogs instinctively can do this; it does not have to be taught. When a dog’s face hits the water, typically their heart rate slows down to reduce the need for oxygen. Their windpipe closes so that no water may enter the lungs. Dogs with longer snouts, long legs, webbed paws are usually able to hold their breath longer. On average 5-10 seconds is how long they are able to hold their breath. Now, just because a dog can hold its breath does not mean they will never suffocate from water. Inhaling water is still very possible while a dog is swimming.
There are many ways to prevent a dog from suffocating or inhaling water. First, make them take a break. When a dog like being in the water, they most likely will not tell you when they are tired or done swimming. So, keeping an eye on them is very important. If you can tell they are tired and taking in a lot of water, make them take a break. Some signs of exhaustion include hot ear temperature and excessive panting. At least every 30 minutes a dog should get out of the water and take some time off if not sooner. Also, encourage a dog not to dive under water for toys. Having their mouth open under water, chances are they will inhale some of that water. Choose toys that float and are flat so that their mouths can stay more closed. Another way to help avoid drowning would be to make sure that the canine is wearing a life vest. This way they have that extra support to keep them afloat especially since not all dogs can swim. A good thought would be to make sure you have plenty of drinking water for your dog so that they are not trying to drink water as they are swimming. These are just a few ways to prevent and improve the safety of dogs so that they do not suffocate.
There are many signs of suffocation in dogs and any inhalation of water, even small amounts, can affect them. Sometimes symptoms take hours or even days before showing up. Some symptoms include foaming at the mouth, coughing, blue gums, trouble breathing, loss of balance, and unconsciousness. Others may include vomiting with a hunched back and extended neck; vomit would look like a clear liquid. If he/she does this just once or twice no need to alarm, if it continues and other symptoms appear you will want to see a vet. Many would compare a dog’s symptoms to a drunk person, imagine the dog losing its balance and acting disoriented. Pawing at the mouth is also a very common symptom. Many times, if they are choking and having trouble breathing, they are not able to alert you by whining. So, pawing at the mouth is a sign that something is irritating them and in this instance that they cannot breathe correctly.
Another aspect to remember about water asphyxiation is that it does not just occur when dogs are swimming. It can also happen when a dog drinks to quickly or too much. If you notice your dog has a tendency to cough after drinking a lot of water, try limiting the amount given at one time. By giving smaller portions of water at a time it will make sure that they dog cannot drink too much too fast and help prevent asphyxiation.
If you are ever in a situation where you notice a dog suffocated from water inhalation there are a few things, you can do. First, you must remember not to panic. This will in turn keep your dog as calm as possible and keep their heart rate slow. When choking on water holding small dogs or puppies upside down can help drain the water from their lungs. For larger dogs if they are standing you can lift their hind legs so that water can again drain out. If you know how to do the Heimlich maneuver on dogs that could work as well. Those are if you notice right away that a dog is struggling to breath because they are suffocating on water. If symptoms of dry drowning start to appear after a period of time the best thing to do would be taking the dog to the veterinarians. Veterinarians will assess the severity of the case and evaluate what needs to be done. In some cases, CPR may need to occur. In most cases of drowning the dog will be hospitalized at least overnight for oxygen therapy and IV fluids. Depending on how severe the case is, the dog may be given some medications for brain swelling or antibiotics to prevent pain, nausea, etc. It in any instance you feel something is wrong, going to the veterinarian for advice is always the best thing to do.
It is important to keep a close eye on any dog that is near or in water. Especially knowing that as little as 1 mL can lead to dry drowning. All the fear and anxiety of what to do if a dog is drowning can be eliminated by taking preventative action. If you ever fear that your dog is dry drowning it is important to seek medical attention. Even if it is a minor case, seeking medical attention is never a bad thing.
Full Title: Effects of Arnica Montana Treating Scratches
Author: Jodi L. Schosek
Date of Publication: December 22, 2023
PDF: https://petmassage.com/wp-content/uploads/Expanding-Your-Ability-to-Palpate.pdf
Research Paper Text:
Expanding Your Ability to Palpate
Ashley Laskey Crawford
October 28, 2022
Canine palpation is an art and gets easier with experience. While experienced massage therapists may already know this knowledge, those newer to the massage industry will quickly learn that palpating muscle tissue is not as easy as it seems. Below are a few examples of exercises that will help expand your ability to palpate the canine.
Paper and Hair & Towel and Rice:
An exercise to learn palpation is to take a hair and place it under a page of a textbook without seeing where you placed it. With your eyes closed, palpate for the hair until you find it and can trace its shape under the page. Next, try to find it under two pages and palpate to locate and trace it. Continue to increase the number of pages placed over the hair until you cannot find it. If this exercise is repeated, the number of pages under which you can locate and trace the hair will gradually increase, and your sensitivity will improve. If that is a little too difficult, you can also start with using a towel and rice – place rice pieces in the towel, with eyes closed and palpate until you feel all the rice. You can also add another layer of towels, similar to the paper and hair exercise. Once you feel comfortable, move back to the paper and hair to expand your ability to palpate.
Another exercise is using internal palpate techniques According to PetMassage Manual, the best ways to do this are, sensing thought core intuition, yielding and redirection of sensed forces (feeling movement in tissues). Watch your reaction of the canine and the canine’s reaction to your touch, being empathic to the canine. Furthermore, the canine also does their own palpation by the experience of your touch.
Take it to the next level by practicing on a canine. For skin and superficial fascia – lightly stretch the top layer of skin in one direction without compressing or sliding it. Release and sense how it comes back into place. Then press skin into the superficial fascia – feels thick, spongy and springy. Next, gently explore kneading this layer, lift and roll the skin and superficial fascia in several areas, noticing the differences in their thickness. Now try the muscle tissue – explore tracing the different muscles. Then, follow along the fibers from one end of a limb to the other and contrast palpating muscles along and across the fibers.
In the end, practicing these exercises frequently will elevate your knowledge and expertise of canine palpation. It will give you a greater appreciation for the art and science behind your ability to palpate.
Full Title: Effects of Arnica Montana Treating Scratches
Author: Jodi L. Schosek
Date of Publication: December 22, 2023
PDF: https://petmassage.com/wp-content/uploads/Effects-of-Arnica-Montana-Treating-Scratches.pdf
Research Paper Text:
Effects of Arnica Montana Treating Scratches
Jodi L. Schosek
August 3, 2022
The purpose of this research paper is to study the effects of the homeopathic remedy, Arnica Montana on scratches and bruises obtained from canines while providing therapy sessions in a warm water environment. Although preventative measures should be in place when swimming dogs for hydrotherapy purposes, sometimes hydrotherapists can get bruises and scratches from the canines. Past remedies attempted included OTC topical ointments, and the no-fool remedy of “time heals everything”. Since working with animals and being connected with nature go hand-in-hand, it made sense to take my next treatment steps in the homeopathic direction.
Homeopathy is a holistic medical system based on the belief that the human body can cure itself when given all-natural substances and some individuals believe these stimulate the healing process in the body. Homeopathic medicines are made from a variety of sources, such as plants, animals and minerals (4). These remedies are prepared according to guidelines set out in international pharmacopeias. Homeopathic medicines are considered safe and free from serious adverse reactions.(2)
To start my research, I went to the good ol’ world wide web. According to the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, “Arnica is used topically for a wide range of conditions, including bruises, sprains, muscle aches, wound healing, superficial phlebitis, joint pain, inflammation from insect bites, and swelling from broken bones. More recent studies suggest it may also be helpful in the treatment of burns. Homeopathic preparations are also used to treat sore muscles, bruises, and other conditions caused by overexertion or injury. Homeopathic doses are extremely diluted. They have no detectable amount of the plant in them and are generally considered safe for internal use when taken according to the directions on the label.”
I then traveled to see Sara Allen (1) at Natural Health Choices, a homeopathic healing center located in Buffalo, NY. NHC provides Naturopathic medical care which is one of the oldest systems of primary health care in the United States, combining centuries old natural and non-toxic therapies with current scientific advances in medicine. Sara Allen received her Master of Social Work (MSW) degree from the University of Buffalo School of Social Work in 2006 and obtained her LMSW license in NY in 2007. She has been practicing counseling since 2004 in various settings including hospitals, college campuses, mental health agencies and private practice. She has taught as an adjunct professor at NCCC, served on the Niagara County Trauma Task Force, and is a member of the NCCC Human Services Advisory Committee.
When I asked Sara about Arnica Montana, she replied “This remedy relieves pain, bruising and swelling associated with trauma, surgery or overexertion. The reason arnica works is because, like many plants, it has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties, says Anderson. When arnica cream or arnica gel is applied, it stimulates circulation, helping the body’s own healing system react—which encourages some speedy relief. It assists the body in reducing swelling and relieving pain.”
Sold. After explaining to me how to properly take the Arnica Montana, which involved dissolving tablets under my tongue for fastest absorption, I purchased a vial, shot down three of those bad boys, and my trials began! My first round of scratches and bruises were obtained on June 15, 2022 and I had significant scratches to my belly and thighs. After two doses of the Arnica Montana, both on June 16, 2022, I woke up on June 17, 2022 with almost NO SCRATCHES on my stomach and thighs.
Second testing period for Arnica Montana and scratches obtained from a canine hydrotherapy were on June 30, 2022. Three doses of Arnica Montana were consumed, one on June 30, 2022 and two on July 1, 2022. On July 2, 2022, all scratches obtained from the June 30th hydrotherapy session were undetectable.
In conclusion, personal feelings towards Arnica Montana and its effects on scratches obtained from canine hydrotherapy are similar to any medical remedies available, every substance/treatment affects every single individual differently and it all depends on your genetic molecular makeup. Luckily for me (and hopefully for you), Arnica Montana significantly helps heal scratches obtained from canine hydrotherapy sessions.
Allen, Sara – Natural Health Choices – 3734 Delaware Ave, Kenmore, NY 14217 – (6/16/22)
Tournier A, Klein SD, Würtenberger S, et al. Physicochemical investigations of homeopathic preparations: a systematic review and bibliometric analysis–part 2. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. 2019;25(9):890-901.
Cotroneo R, Gray A, Schor H, eds. Homeopathy. In: Clugston RM, Goldblatt E, Rosenthal B, et al., eds. Clinicians’ & Educators’ Desk Reference on the Integrative Health & Medicine Professions. 3rd ed. Mercer Island, WA: Academic Collaborative for Integrative Health; 2017.
Rao ML, Roy R, Bell IR, Hoover R. The defining role of structure (including epitaxy) in the plausibility of homeopathy. Homeopathy. 2007;96(3):175-82.
Adkison JD. The effect of topical arnica on muscle pain. Ann Pharmacother. 2010;44(10):1579-84.
Full Title: Garage Pool Installation
Author: Amanda Liguori-Makis
Date of Publication: December 22, 2023
PDF: https://petmassage.com/wp-content/uploads/Garage-Pool-Installation.pdf
Research Paper Text:
Garage Pool Installation
Amanda Liguori-Makis
I am in the process of opening a pet supplies and home décor store in my hometown of Newton Falls Ohio. The name of the store will affectionately be named Hometown Hound.
The location of the store is a 123-year-old commercial building that was once a bakery and then a flower shop. This building has sat vacant in the middle of our quaint little town for some years now. The front of the building is a pet supplies and home décor store. We will be selling items like treats, food, toys, the essentials for happy pets as well as some things for dog parents to treat themselves with such as candles, holidays decorations, etc. The store will be open in 2023 with the intention to have the pool installed and ready to take clients by Spring to early Summer of 2024. The building has a two-car attached garage in the back of the building, this is where I intend to put the soft wall pool for hydrotherapy.
There are no facilities within an hour of my hometown that offer this type of experience for dogs. I am looking forward to providing a safe space for people in my area to bring their dogs to experience the unique benefits of hydrotherapy. I have seen it work for my senior beagle and really enjoyed being able to help other dogs in training. I’m excited to make this a part of my career and put the techniques I learned in training at Pet Massage to good use. That being said let’s get into the details of how I am going to make this work with the space I have.
The garage space of our building was an addition and is much newer than the rest of the building, so structurally it’s going to be much easier to prepare it for the pool. The roof was recently replaced this year of 2023, there is also access to the basement from the garage. We will be building walls and a door around this space for safety reasons as it is a storm shelter style access.
The pool company I have been looking at is Splash Super Pools, they offer seven standard sizes as well as custom pools if needed. The liner is incredibly durable and treated with a dirt and mildew repelling coating. The structure of these pools are zinc-coated steel to ensure the framing is sound. The pool also comes with the standard pump and filtration system. The water heater system will be purchased separately by a local pool company. There are additional filtration you can look into as a secondary water purifier, such as a UV light filter. The size we will be able to use will have to be custom built to a 9ft by 12ft pool. Below is a screenshot of the smallest standard pool they offer just so you can see the configuration with the pool and framing.
There are many options for pools on the internet, it all comes down to personal preference and what you are able to purchase at the time. Amazon offers more standard sizes but the durability may not vary. Short term to get your business up and moving one of these might be a good option for a while.
The preparation before the pool is installed will consist of mostly waterproofing and an installation of an exhaust fan that will run at all times as the pool will be heated and creating humidity. The ceiling is wood framing so we will have to insulate and cover with moisture blocking drywall. After that, we will apply two coats of waterproof paint for extra protection for the structure of the roof. The walls are cinder block so we will just be coating it in a white waterproof paint. The floor is concrete so there will be a protective rubber matting placed under the pool to protect the concrete from pool chemicals, but also to protect the pool from any type of punctures or tears. The rubber matting will also make it easier on your feet rather than standing on the hard concrete. The exhaust fan will be installed on the back wall of the garage and lead into the alley way behind the building. The fan is a 12 by 12-inch fan. In order to install this, we will have to cut into the cinder block wall, run electric to it, and secure the space around it with silicone to ensure there are no gaps for weather, insects, or critters to come into the garage area. The fan will be running at all times to help keep the moisture to a minimum, this will make the air in the space less humid and dense. This will also help keep the structure of the roof and room safe from excess moisture exposure.
In addition to the pool, we would like to create a comfortable space for the owners to sit or observe while their dog is in the pool. This design has not been worked up yet but we know this is important for our clients and will work on this after the pool is installed. We are also considering the idea of putting a camera above the pool with a live feed to a television in the store so that people can see the sessions or empty pool in hopes to spark more interest in the hydrotherapy services.
In order to have a special use pool in Trumbull County, Ohio a license is required by the county health department. The health department is to inspect the facility twice a year to make sure everything is well kept and no violations are present. The space will have to be approved by the county building inspector as well before being allowed to operate in the area. Any recommendations made by these two departments will have to be accommodated in order to run the hydrotherapy services. Every county and city are different, research will need to be done in order to find out what your area requires. I could not find whether the pump and heating system needed to be in a different room but I plan to make a separate temperature regulated space on the outside of the building to house this system, that way the noise from the pump, filtration, and heater will not consume the open space in the garage. This is a personal preference; I liked the way it was setup at Pet Massage and felt that it was the cleanest way to handle this ascetically.
I hope this helps anyone who may be looking to start their hydrotherapy business in a similar setting. You can reach out to your city and county building departments with questions, sometimes reading the chapter rules provided on the web are very detailed with contract language which can be confusing.
Good Luck!!!
Full Title: Core Stability: The Cornerstone
Author: Terri Kress
Date of Publication: October 27, 2023
PDF: https://petmassage.com/wp-content/uploads/Core-Stability-The-Cornerstone.pdf
Research Paper Text:
Core Stability: The Cornerstone
Terri Kress
Core Strength is just as important in dogs as it is in humans. The core is the cornerstone or, stable base from where the limbs can work efficiently, is support for organs, and assist in other daily tasks. When core muscles are weak other muscles compensate, causing muscle dysfunction, overloading, leading to potential injury, and decreased mobility.
The core muscles consist of the diaphragm, multifidus, iliopsoas, pelvic muscles, and abdominals. Core muscles in humans consist of the same muscles along with Quadratus Lumborum. Diaphragm is involved in breathing, and supports organs, Multifidus is involved in rotation, and is a spinal stabilizer against gravitational and inertial forces generated by the trunk and limbs. Pelvic muscles are involved in defecation, urination. Iliopsoas is a hip flexor, external rotator, adductor of femur. Spinal stabilizer when hindlimb is flexed, or caudal traction on trunk when hindlimbs are extended. Abdominals stabilize the trunk to prepare for upper limb activity and supports visceral organs.
Signs of core weakness include lack of endurance, swaying back, swinging side to side, arched back, problems holding standing, or sitting position with proper posture, dog prefers to sit instead of stand, and poor balance and posture.
Improving Core Strength will provide a strong base for limbs to move efficiently without stressing joints, or muscles leading to injury, decreasing pressure on spine, improving coordination, balance, posture, endurance, and bodily functions.
Core Strengthening can be performed on land, and water. Benefit of water is decreased stress on joints, works a lot of muscles, and the different properties of water (buoyancy, resistance, drag) to aide in conditioning.
The following exercises can be performed in the pool, on the pool stairs, platform in pool, upon entry, or before entry. Wherever it is safest, and upon dog size and stability.
- Stand up for 10 seconds without shifting, sitting, or moving.
- Stand up and use toy or treat, or hand signal, and have dog lift head up, so weight is shifted on back legs, then head down so weight is shifted on front legs, then head side to side.
- Weight shifting dog side to side, front to back in standing.
- Walking forward, and backward on stair, or platform.
- Side stepping as dog steps down into the pool using toy or treat.
- Swimming dog at various speeds, directions, changing directions such as circles in different directions. Holding swim vest and having dog swim forward, backwards, side to side.
- Having dog stand or sit on a boogie board so muscles must work to maintain balance with instructor holding board.
- Weaving through upright poles in water or jumping to different stable platforms in water (side to side, or at a diagonal).
The following exercises can be performed on land.
- Sit-stand-down: switching between these positions and have dog hold each position for a few seconds.
- Doggie squats- stand then command sit right away.
- Back legs on platform and dog steps down with front paws then back onto platform.
- Dog in standing use treat to entice dog to turn torso to the right so nose reaches butt without moving feet. Repeat to other side.
- Walking dog up and down hill, or stairs, or over broomsticks.
In conclusion, improving core stability through land, and water exercises will provide a well-rounded program, which will decrease risk of injury. “Dr. Cook recommends 3 to 4 land exercises each day, and different exercises on alternate days, but at least every other day. Also, to clear exercises with Vet.”
- Strengthen your dog’s core muscles! -CANINE WORKS August 2017
- TotoFit Five Basic Exercises Essential to Building Core Strength
- Canine Core stabilization exercises-The Pointing Journal Jan. 5, 2016
- DOGS 4 motion Jana Gams July 28,2020
- Martial ARFS OWE open water exercises.
- The Dogs Core: Center of Gravity! Its role in activity, and weight distribution exercises
Full Title: The Effects of Domestic Violence on Dogs
Author: Amber Lawrence
Date of Publication: March 18, 2023
PDF: https://petmassage.com/wp-content/uploads/The-Effects-of-Domestic-Violence-on-Dogs.pdf
Research Paper Text:
The Effects of Domestic Violence on Dogs
Amber L. Lawrence
March 3, 2023
Toxic environments are not healthy for anyone, including our beloved canine companions. Domestic violence has an adverse effect on the dog’s physical and mental health. Even in situations where the dog is not being mistreated directly, there can be indirect consequences that may cause behavior or physical issues.
“Like people, dogs suffer trauma just from witnessing violence.”(Psychology Today.) A statement I can personally attest to as I watched the personalities of my own two dogs alter with the change in environment. Bambi, an 8-year-old chihuahua-dachshund mix and Buttercup, a 2-year-old yorkshire terrier both have affectionate personalities. Living in a temporarily stressful environment, Bambi had become more protective, remaining at my side, and barking at everyone and everything. Where Bambi was my dog 4 years prior to this abusive relationship, Buttercup had only known this toxic environment from 9-weeks-old. She would hide while shaking uncontrollably at the verbal and physical attacks she witnessed her human leader endure and to this day does not like loud noises or sudden movement.
Neither dog was physically abused, yet they were affected by the violent atmosphere. Roman Gottfried states “in an instance of domestic violence between partners, dogs will immediately assume that if love is not being shown, the victim may be at risk of death. This manifests as insecurities, nervousness, helplessness, and even aggression.” (Roman’s Holistic Dog Training.)
Effects of toxic environments can be physical, mental, and emotional. Physical effects include loss of appetite and physically-manifested illnesses. According to the National Resource Center on Domestic Violence, “up to 70% of domestic violence victims report having a pet, and when a batterer causes violence in the home, it can be inflicted on the pet as well.” Behavior issues that may arise from exposure to violence include anxiety, fear, or aggression. “A pet that is exposed to domestic violence can have troubling behavioral issues that last a lifetime and can, if not addressed, create difficulties in their care.” (The Conway Daily Sun.)
Neglect can be caused by domestic violence situation resulting from varying physical or financial circumstances. The dog may go long periods of time without proper food, veterinary care, or affection. According to Jill Elliot and Kim Bloomer, during times of high stress, “the caregiver should be alert to the possible negative effects of stress. It’s a time to add extra care, love, perhaps evens some supplements and vitamins to the diet, to help the dog’s body and psyche deal with the added stress.” Dogs do not get to choose the environment in which they live. It is the responsibility of the owner to remove them from the violent situation and see they are treated with the love and care they deserve.
Works Cited
Elliot, Jill, and Kim Bloomer. Whole Health for Happy Dogs: A Natural Health Handbook for Dogs and Their Owners, Quarry Books, Gloucester, MA, 2006, pp. 37–37.
Gottfried, Roman. Roman’s Holistic Dog Training. “Domestic Violence and the Effects on Dog’s Psyche.”
National Resource Center on Domestic Violence. “Why Pets Mean So Much: The Human-Animal Bond in the Context of Intimate Partner Violence. Vawnet.org. September 2014.
Psychology Today. “Domestic Violence Affects Pets Too.” https://www.psychology today.com. December 22, 2021.
The Conway Daily Sun. “It’s not Always a Dog’s Best Life: Domestic Violence Affects Pets.” Conwaydailysun.com. January 29, 2020.