Canine Massage Lymphatic Drainage

Canine Massage Lymphatic Drainage Lymphatic drainage is a therapeutic massage treatment. The goal of lymphatic drainage in the massage is to increase the flow of lymph and reduce toxins in the body. The lymph system is part of the dog’s body’s immune system and helps fight infection. Lymph itself is a clear, slightly yellow fluid.…

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Massage Dog’s Lymphatics for Their Health and Happiness

Massage Dog’s Lymphatics for Their Health and Happiness. Our most recent YouTube video topic is: Massage Dog’s Lymphatics for Their Health and Happiness. It is on our PetMassage Training and Research Institute YouTube channel.  It is a little long, almost 10 minutes; and I think you’ll appreciate all the content that’s presented for you. Here…

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Fluid Flow

So much significance is placed on lymphatic and other fluid movement is because they can be tracked and measured. PetMassage affects the movement and viability of all the fluids in the body. Besides the blood and lymph, here is a partial list of some of the other fluids in the body: cerebral spinal fluid, digestive…

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Dogs At The Movies

Dogs At The Movies Anastasia and I recently spent a frustrating hour at Family Video, a neighborhood video rental. We were searching for some light entertainment for the evening. What we found was rack after rack after rack of energetically dark movies. We were not about to immerse ourselves for two hours in the throes…

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