I Had An Idea

I had an idea. Not in the sense that it was a thought that I had in the past. More in the sexual connotation, as in, I was consumed, moved, enveloped, excited, engaged, and changed, by the experience of thinking something I’d not thought of before.

I experienced being in a confluence of a number of variables. Right time, right place, right everything, so that this could happen. It is what the mystics might describe as an epiphany, a religious experience of knowing and realizing the awesomeness of the ultimate presence of everything.

Imagine that you are surrounded by a huge globe with billions of randomly spaced tiny holes through which shards of light shine into your darkness. Kind of like being under a starry sky on a clear night, only the stars are wherever you look as you turn, all around you; above, in front, behind, to your sides, and even below as you look down. Each of these tiny holes is a potential point of interest. Each holds a vast storehouse of information about its topic, ramifications, variations, effects, and opportunities.

When you are open, and I don’t know how that happens, and you are on one of these vectors of intellectual energy, everything within that trajectory spontaneously enters your awareness at once. I was once fortunate to somehow lock onto the perfect coordinates of focusing and openness. It is a third eye experience – moving right into the Pineal Gland. Enormous amounts of details combine to provide a comprehensive vision and understanding of what you are experiencing. Expansive, yet specific. In its clarity, it is bright and colorful. It is vivid in detail. Awesome, in its depth. Unfathomable, in its breadth.

And what you are experiencing is one tiny vector; one sparkle seen through your lenses, from your perspective and integrating with your world view of history. This enormous receptacle of knowledge and potential is sometimes described as the Akashic Record. Or, the Akash. It is the “space with” and “experience of” and “connection to” and “access to” everything that has ever been or ever will be thought, said, imagined, discovered, seen, heard, smelled, and experienced. Pure potential availability. It is all there. It has always been there. It will always be there.

This particular tiny vector of intellectual/spiritual interest is unique to you. It is filtered, processed and available only through your personal globe. And when it is accepted and acted upon, it becomes the source for you to create real value in your life and the lives of others. It is a huge truth. It became a roadmap for my personal journey’s potential.

What was this ideated experience? (Like that word? You can use it, too.) PetMassage. On July 11, 1997, during an interview for NBC TV, I was asked to demonstrate canine massage with an old Golden Retriever. As I supported the dog’s big heavy head in my hands my heart felt his energetic body shift. As his eyelids drifted closed and his long wet tongue lolled out of his mouth, I was suddenly aware of that I was open and manifesting a life-changing vision: I am sharing the knowledge, experience and personal perspective of animal massage that I have developed. This massage form is enhancing the lives of the world’s population of animals. Specifically, dogs. I saw large dogs, small dogs, dogs of every breed, combination of breeds, dogs of every coat, color and texture. Young dogs, old dogs, healthy dogs and sick dogs. Couch potatoes and athletic dogs. And I saw their owners. Male, female, young, old; in every country and speaking every language, working on their own dogs at home, and creating successful businesses massaging other people’s dogs. I saw books, videos, classes and schools. I saw PetMassageTM integrated with dog care at home and as a therapy in veterinary clinics. I knew how – I knew that, PetMassageTM benefits the world’s dogs and the world’s people.

This was the vision that sparked PetMassageTM. The magnitude of this realization has developed its own momentum and given us the strength of purpose, when questioned, to persevere. PetMassageTM creates, has created, and has always been creating value for those who are reminded that it is an accessible potential.

So when I write that I had an idea, it is more like the idea had me. I invite you to remember that you too, are part of this “accessible potential.” Begin your part of your greater vision now. When you decide to access your PetMassageTM training, we are here to help you.



  1. 3recumbent on January 12, 2022 at 8:57 PM


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