Living the Dream
What is the difference between illusion and reality? And, what if there is no difference?
Look at yourself in the mirror. Is it you or could what you see be an illusion? Look at your hand. It could be your imagination, or it could be an illusion, as well. Have you ever stood between two mirrors and focused on a particular depth of field, like the fifth image of the back of your head in the row of infinite alternating images? Are all of these images a reflection or your reality?
When your dog sees his reflection in his rippling water bowl it is his reality.
When you touch something, and feel the otherness of its textures, depositing the thin oils of your fingerprints, you are not illusion. You are real. You are something that interacts with the objects outside of yourself. You are part of the greater whole. You are also an essential part of the whole, integral, in that you take up its space. The complete wholeness of your universe could not exist without your presence in it.
Your dog becomes complete when she leans up against your leg.
When you believe in yourself, you believe in all the elements of who you are. Your belief validates the reality of your existence. Your thoughts are things, with shapes, masses, textures, volume, frequencies, colors, aromas, and hooks. Hooks? Yes, interconnections with emotions and memories that links us with a myriad of plexus’ of our other thoughts. Any chain of thoughts will demonstrate how it works. Think of summer, evenings, warm breezes, sounds of birds, racket of cicadas, deafening, ear shattering rock concert, oh watch out, the young man casting his body onto the crowd, they may not be aware of them, he is caught and surfed, his trust has been justified and the cell phones wave from side to side glowing in the sexual patchouli sweat of the crowd. Fireflies sparkling below the pyrotechnics of the stage show. Hooks.
All of the dreams you’ve ever had are also held suspended in plexus reservoirs of interconnecting thoughts and behavior patterns. Have you ever had a dream that’s a continuation of another dream? Have you ever noticed in your dream state that you are comfortable with the places and people? That you recognize and have a history with places and people that do not exist in your waking state? In my dream state, I know where the parking lots are, I know where the restaurants are, I know what is in the next room and what the walls and furniture and artwork are. My dream state is part of my extended reality. After midnight and until sunrise, it, it all its varied forms, is my reality. Do I believe in it? Most assuredly.
REM sleep dogs chasing squirrels.
What else is in my reality, in my thoughts? All of my memories and my interpretations of my memories and my fanciful reimagining’s of said interpretations. These include my victories, my disappointments; we’ll call these “lessons,” and the billions of awareness’s between these two extremes. The shadow beneath the stick on the sidewalk, the mushroom next to the path, the possibility that my mother was telling the truth about invisible fairies that play under it when I’m not around.
The empty yard on our walks where the huge black dobie used to lunge at the fence.
Everyone’s reality includes their dreams, their passions, their goals. So, your reality includes all the possibilities of ways your future can unfold. Sounds very quantum. For those of us who are entrepreneurs, we have created immediate, short term, and long term goals. For ourselves and our businesses. Our businesses are an integral part of our personal identities. They are extensions of ourselves. In fact, each of our businesses is unique because each of us is unique. You could never have created and developed the PetMassage business that I have created. And I could never recreate what you do, or say, or think, or define as a reality. I could never see your fifth reflection or leave your fingerprint. If you choose to become a licensed PetMassage instructor, you’ll get our training and your school will be still a reflection of you. It will be your path and a path for your student dog massage practitioners.
Become a licensed PetMassage instructor. and
Our realities, the selves that we believe in, change. I am not the same person I was this morning. Since this morning, I’ve showered, so the surface of my body is different: cleaner and has a fresher scent. I’ve eaten breakfast and lunch (and a snack in between meals, because I can). I’ve digested the nutrients and loaded up on carbs. So, chemically I’m not the same. I’ve had conversations with several people, considered their points of view and integrated my interpretations of the conversations into my thought patterns, altering the anatomy and physiology of my brain. So I’ve become different and in the process, my world view quietly shape-shifted. This morning was typical and since this morning, I have become a fundamentally different person.
This morning started so long ago, and so much has happened since then to you and the dog you are PetMassaging.
My goals are in a constant state of flux as well. Not because I am indecisive, or wishy-washy, or am continually questioning the veracity of my choices, or that I have a tendency toward redundancy. It is because I am alive. How can I possibly have the identical perspective on anything from one moment to the next? I am interconnected with my otherness and feel the impressions of other fingerprints on my understanding of whom and where(m) I am. I am real. My reality shifts. My awareness of it shifts. My belief systems shift. The I that I believe in includes who, what and where I am. It is for all time, past, present and future. It is a soul journey.
Trust in your realities. Truly, you are living the dream.