Myofascial Release

PetMassage includes the practice of myofascial release. “Myo” refers to muscle. “Release” refers to a letting go of restrictions. Fascia has the following definition: It is a type of connective tissue that surrounds every muscle, bone, nerve, blood vessel and organ of the body. PetMassage practitioners use different techniques to ease pressure in the fibrous bands of connective tissue (fascia) that encase muscles throughout the body. A breakdown of the fascia system due to trauma, posture or inflammation can create an adhesion in the fascia resulting in abnormal pressure on nerves, muscles, bones, or organs. Myofascial release is a letting go of the adhesive restrictions within muscle fibers and restoring the normal pressure that allows nerves, muscles, bones, and organs to function optimally.

There has been some very interesting work in the last 30 years with humans (bipeds) mapping patterns and networks of fascia. There are actually fascia meridians. Besides identifying that they exist and this work reveals that restrictions in myofascial structures are easily released through a gentle and non-invasive technique known as “positional release.” Positional release supports the fascia’s natural tendency … one could almost call it a “drive” … to assume its normalized position and function. PetMassage has modified this method for approaching physical and memory-based restrictions held within the body so that it can be used with animals.


  1. 1dunbar on January 12, 2022 at 4:49 PM


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