Senior Dog Massage for the Canine Massage Practitioner



Title: Senior Dog Massage for the Canine Massage Practitioner


Massaging the senior dog can be the most gratifying part of your canine massage practice. While these dogs may have bodies that are failing them, their spirits are often brilliant, vital and with massage, can be reenergized. 

The biggest differences between the senior massage and general canine massage are what we look for in our assessment, the intensity of intention, and the profound sense of service–and appreciation–that we feel. These dogs are so willing, so committed, and so responsive, that it would be understandable if you wanted to devote your entire practice to them.

With this home study course, Senior Dog Massage for the Canine Massage Practitioner you will learn how to

  • improve observations skills to assess gait, symmetry, balance
  • be able to tell which areas in the dog’s body are stiff and sore
  • enhance understanding of canine body language
  • apply massage skills to address the senior dog body 

Know the joy and satisfaction of being able to know how to massage the senior dog well enough to make him feel better. 

This massage will enhance your senior dog’s overall quality of life.

Learn how to

  • Identify the special needs of senior dogs through observation of gait, body language, body appearance and feel
  • Develop an expanded level of understanding and use of PetMassage skills

Objectives / Goals:

Learn how to

  • Identify the special needs of senior dogs through observation of gait, body language, body appearance and feel
  • Develop an expanded level of understanding and use of PetMassage skills
  • Expand your canine massage scope of practice 
  • Practice the skills of documentation, to validate the ways that you massage senior dogs 

Included Materials:

Prerequisites: No Prerequisite(s) Needed


Certificate of Completion Earned? Yes

Completion Requirements:

Certificates are awarded upon successful completion of the Home Study Course. Successful completion of this Home Study Course is defined as:

Certificates of Course completion are awarded upon successful completion of the Home Study Course. Successful completion of this Home Study Course is defined as:

  • Completion of open book test from The Senior Dog Massage for the Canine Massage Practitioner Course Guide
  • Submission of Case Studies with 3 Senior Dogs
  • Submission of a Video Demonstrating the Application of PetMassage Senior Dog techniques
  • Submission of a Video Critique of the Demonstration Video
  • Submission of course evaluation, and application for Certification (in course guide) 

All home study courses must be completed within 6 months of the date of purchase. Please note, this is a soft deadline and reasonable extensions are always granted upon request.

Continuing Education Credits (CECs) / Continuing Education Units (CEUs) Available For: Animal Massage Practitioners, Massage Therapists (MTs)

Number of Continuing Education Credits (CECs) / Continuing Education Units (CEUs) Earned: 15


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