Where to focus your dog’s bodywork
If the dog’s left shoulder is showing restriction, it is not enough to focus bodywork solely on the left shoulder. The left shoulder has now become one of the stressors for the rest of the body. So, the rest of the body must compensate for the load the left shoulder is unable to bear. It clearly requires its own attention and rebalancing.
There is only so much we see and feel. Imagine what else might be connected in the body to the left shoulder! The possibilities of strain, discomfort, impaired circulation and nerve restrictions are all over. They are deep to it, superficial to it, above it, below it, next to it, across from it, and, hold on now, referred by it.
Even with the presentation of an obvious left shoulder issue, your dog still needs a full body PetMassage.
If you have limited time and are unable to take your dog through the entire routine, make sure that you begin and end each session with the PetMassage 6 vectors taught in the Foundation workshop. This will, because of what you are doing on the outside, help your dog rebalance his body from within.