If I had a hammer
If I had a hammer
If I had a hammer,
I’d hammer in the morning,
I’d hammer in the evening,
All over this land,
I’d hammer out danger,
I’d hammer out a warning,
I’d hammer out love between,
My brothers and my sisters,
All over this land.
– Peter, Paul & Mary – If I Had A Hammer Lyrics
If I had an axe,
I’d chop things in the morning,
I’d chop things in the evening,
All over this town,
I’d cut up fire wood,
I’d thin out shrubbery,
And I’d axe my brothers and my sisters
What they wanted me to chop down.
- Jonathan Rudinger – If I Had A Hammer, Parody
Every solution thought of in terms of hammering.
If you only have a hammer, you use a hammer to fix everything and every solution is thought of in terms of hammering. If you only have an axe, you use your axe to fix everything and every solution is thought of in terms of chopping.
Body solutions are in responding to touch.
As a bodyworker, I view solutions in terms of how the body reacts to touch.
Are there other skills besides massage that are therapeutic for our dogs? Sure.
Alternatives for therapy interventions.
Of course there are veterinary and physical therapy for maintaining the fundamental health of your dog. There are lots of modalities that complement and integrate with veterinary care besides PetMassageTM. There are grooming, training, and dog handling, which are all essential for a healthy and well adjusted dog. There are Healing Touch, Reiki, and polarity balancing therapies. There are the acupuncture, acupressure and manual adjustment therapies. There is aroma therapy. There is color therapy. There are sound, nutrition, supplement, flower essence, crystal, and homeopathic therapies. There are movement, environmental, heat, cold, and water therapies.
If I had a bell… I don’t need a bell.
If I had a song…This is my song.
This is my song.
My hammer, my bell, and my song is massage. Not just any massage; PetMassageTM. There are so many ways PetMassageTM assists the dogs to self regulate, that for most situations, PetMassageTM is all dogs require and the only modality I feel I need to offer.
How can PetMassageTM be used? See: http://petmassage.com/about-petmassagetm/