PetMassage Canine Aquatic Massage for Dogs – Happiness for the Dog, Facilitator and Dog Owner

PetMassage Canine Aquatic Massage – Happiness for the Dog, Facilitator and Dog Owner
Many years ago, I was introduced to the warm water massage technique for humans called “Watsu”. Watsu, for me, is a deep healing, joyful session taking place in a very warm (98-104 degrees F) spacious pool or large hot tub with dim lights, flowing music, and a nurturing, skillful, intuitive facilitator. During the hour session, I remained on my back while the practitioner held my shoulders, upper back, legs or neck to sway my body and keep it afloat.
My most memorable “Watsu” experience took place, early 2003 just prior to our official announcement of creating our PetMassage Canine Aquatic Massage Program. My Watsu session was so gentle, rhythmic, and loving I lost my train of busy thoughts and simply felt my body and the water. I felt cradled, rocked and swaddled by the warm waves of water. When the session was near closure I was lifted gently to stand in the water and bask in the glow of the pleasurable session. I began to giggle and sob at the same time. I was indeed in the state of bliss.
When our “Splash Pool” for our Aquatic workshops was installed Jonathan, my husband and instructor of the PetMassage Canine Aquatic Massage practiced on our dogs. They were Oskar, our boxer and Jacques a Poodle Doo, our standard poodle. I was the fortunate human to receive practice sessions of upressure Points, “floating” (similar to Watsu) as Jonathan developed the initial set of procedures and protocols of the canine water massage training. The “floating sessions” I received are still given to the students attending the canine aquatic massage workshop. During their training every student has the opportunity to experience “floating” and also observe the other students as they float. They notice the end result of calm, comfort and blissful peace. With that “floating” experience for the students, they are then able to project how at peace the dog could feel.
Jonathan is the official trainer of PetMassage Canine Aquatic Massage. He teaches students a variety of movements and massage techniques to apply on the dogs.
There’s another technique that Jonathan does and teaches that speaks to my spirit. Part of the dry PetMassage that is taught in the Foundation Level Program, is a way of still-holding combined with observing movements within the body. Jonathan has a way of teaching this that turns this advanced Energy Work skill into something natural and easy. This is now the Positional Release that is taught in the Advanced workshop. PetMassage Canine Aquatic Massage is instruction of variations of dry PetMassage techniques, including Positional Release and stretching, with dogs that are on submerged platforms.
Do you love dogs? Do you love being in water too? I think you’ll love this workshop.
Here is a link to testimonials from our Aquatic students.
Our PetMassage Canine Aquatic Massage Programs are taught off-site at The Dog Dive in Kalamazoo, Michigan.
You are welcome to pay in full, or pay ½ as a deposit (online). To use our convenient monthly payment plan, call or text Beth at 800-779-1001, outside the U.S. call 1-419-475-3539
Blessings to you,