Posts Tagged ‘Massage’
PetMassage on The Dog Face
There are areas on your dog’s face that connect with internal organs and their corresponding meridians. Forehead: bladder and intestines Temples and ears: kidneys Between eyebrows: liver and stomach Nose:…
Read MoreWhat happens in Vegas.
What happens in Vegas. We’ve all heard (or said), “What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas.” Or New York, or Chicago, or Miami, or —-. Canine massage is not like…
Read MoreResolutions require resolve. Or, just who do you think you are?
Here we are. It’s the end of January. And you’re reading yet another blog about resolutions. Will they never end? Goals. Do you remember setting goals for yourself a few…
Read MoreLateral breathing in dogs
Lateral breathing in dogs Lateral breathing is often not included when we talk about breathing. We think of mouth breathing and nose breathing; chest breathing and diaphragmatic – belly –…
Read MoreMassage in Canine Rehabilitation
Massage in Canine Rehabilitation The goals for massage in canine rehabilitation are to maintain, restore, and enhance the recovering dog after injury. It includes restoring function to the injured point plus relaxing…
Read MoreResearch Papers Lead to Help for Dog Owners
Research Papers Lead to Help for Dog Owners On Nov 27, 2018, we received a desperate sounding email from someone who was reaching out to PetMassage for advice. He found…
Read MoreDogs Kids PetMassage Book
Dogs Kids PetMassage Book Dogs Kids PetMassage is for dogs, kids and their families. PetMassage is a fun and effective way to help your dog achieve optimal physical and emotional…
Read MoreMove Your Feet- They’re Important in PetMassage
Move Your Feet- They’re Important in PetMassage Are your feet passive? Or do you use them actively, as integral elements in your massage form? During your canine massage, do you…
Read MorePetMassage for the Family Dog Book
PetMassage for the Family Dog Book You already massage your dogs. Everyone does. With this easy-to-learn instruction, you can do it better. This book is guaranteed to change the…
Read MoreThe PetMassage Assessment Stroke
The PetMassage Assessment Stroke Assessment strokes are an important part of every canine massage. They help us, the Practitioner, and the dogs, identify where to focus to get the most…
Read MoreMassage Reversed Camille’s Bad Breath. Really.
Massage Reversed Camille’s Bad Breath. Really. Unexpected and Unsolicited Testimonial Last evening Anastasia and I are walking the dogs around our neighborhood. We paused to chat with some neighbors sitting…
Read MoreMeridians Pulse and Tongues Tell Stories
Meridians Pulse and Tongues Tell Stories Would you like to be able to assess the qualities of pulses of individual meridians. All you have to do is learn how to…
Read MorePetMassage Vectoring can support your dog’s recovery after paralysis tick poisoning
Full Title: Author: Date of Publication: PDF: Research Paper Text:
Read MoreCandle Flame
Firing Neurons, Scottie I caught a flicker of a candle flame. It appeared during a recent meditation. The reflection was the shadow of a tiny flare that flashed way back…
Read MoreNo One Told Me About Rescue Dogs.
No One Told Me About Rescue Dogs. There are some significant things that we didn’t know when we set about adopting a rescue dog. The learning curve has been going…
Read MoreDogs At The Movies
Dogs At The Movies Anastasia and I recently spent a frustrating hour at Family Video, a neighborhood video rental. We were searching for some light entertainment for the evening. What…
Read MoreGreater Good For Sensitive Canaries Smells And Looks Okay
How are you? So I have to ask. How are you dealing with everything that is going on? I keep wavering between being overwhelmed by the angst over what is…
Read MoreEnd of the Year Completions and New Beginnings
End of the year completions and new beginnings We see the end of the year on our calendars and think of it as an end and a beginning. New Years…
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